Show Categories: Comedy

Kea: Mountain Trolls

Escaping from the exotic pet trade, four Kea’s head off to the woods to cause some chaos.

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With nothing to do and a multiverse to explore, three bored teens head off to an unknown desert to grab a shiny prize. Thankfully, they are only taking an ancient artifact from the remnants of a dead civilization. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?

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On a massive junk ship hurtling towards the heavens, four orcs with one brain cell between them are sent on a dangerous and most likely final mission.

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Three guys on a broken-down suicidal spaceship take on a mission to steal life-saving tech from a bio lab. What could possibly go wrong?

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Visigoths Vs Mall Goths

The greatest war of the age unfolds as Visigoths and Mall Goths face off in a 90’s suburban mall.

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Laser Kittens

3 Kittens must brave the halloween party in search of their cat mentor. Will they find their missing teacher, or will they be waylaid by unnatural forces.

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Mission Accomplished

This week we were happy to have GuestGM Jeff Stormer of the Party of One Podcast to guide us on his upcoming RPG Mission: Accomplished. Join us as 4 superspies, who had just saved the world, must now contend with their greatest challenge of all. A corporate meeting.

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The Laundry

The Mission: Enter Dallas Texas and investigate madness inducing supernatural code. The Threats: Possible cultists, Impossible Other-worldly beings, and American agencies who don’t appreciate foreign agents on their soil. The Arsenal: Whatever equipment they could fit into the non-existent budget.

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