Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeon Hell part 2 of 2

The three hellish adventurers must take on the greatest threat to any adventuring party. A random encounter.

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Dungeons and Dragons: Eyes of Purple Ep 1 part 2 of 3

Finding themselves in an unknown land, the dimensional travelers find themselves under attack by some fearsome bandits.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Special Investigators Ep 1 part 2 of 2

Going to speak with the local spiritual leader of the town, the investigators begin to focus on the strange phenomenon that suppresses magic.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Special Investigators Ep 1 part 1 of 2

“In a country still recovering from the ravages of war, a small town requests help investigating a strange murder: A man has been killed. Twice.”

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Pitfall: Dungeons & Dragons

Three adventurers search for a farmer's most prized possession in this episode of Fandible Pitfall. Game: Dungeons & Dragons. Players: Katie Hammond, Chris Griggs, & Sarah Nowak.

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Dungeons & Dragons: From Darkness Comes Ep 1 part 1 of 2

Looking for work, three adventurers head off to a tavern. A bit cliche, but the adventure has to start somewhere. Dungeons & Dragons Episodes

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Dungeons & Dragons: Dream Warriors 2 of 2

Believing themselves safe, the 5 strangers aim to rest and prepare for the next day. Sadly, they will be bothered by some rather unpleasant dreams.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Bound By Thorns Ep 3

Leaving the safety of their home city, the bound heroes encounter a strange ally with a powerful artifact.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Bound By Thorns Ep 2

Finding themselves in prison after a failed Bank heist, the heroes must stop an inept noble from unleashing an ancient horror. Dungeons and Dragons Episodes

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Dungeons & Dragons: Bound By Thorns

Whether by fate or simple bad luck, three unlikely heroes find themselves trapped in a sinister plot that might threaten their very lives.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Ep 2 part 1 of 2

Banished from their home, the young heroes must face an unfamiliar world. A chaotic world of dangerous creatures, untamed magic, and the constant reminders of a brutal and devastating...

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Dungeons & Dragons: Coming of Age Ep 1 part 2 of 2

Dropped into the unknown, the heroes encounter strange beasts, bizarre machines, and a truly horrifying secret.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Coming of Age Ep 1 part 1 of 2

Protected by a god's blessing, three youths have nothing to fear from the horrible monsters that have destroyed their world. Sadly, what was suppose to be a simple goblin...

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