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Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 3:34:24 — 98.7MB)
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Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 3:34:24 — 98.7MB)
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I loved the old west setting and thought Billy & David (in particular) brought the setting to life. One thing that threw me off was that Billy kept referring to the players by their actual names instead of their characters. Also, have you guys updated to 2nd edition yet (Chronicles of Darkness)? There were a few points that I was hoping you’d slap a condition down. I really think the conditions as well as Aspirations could have taken the game to the next level.
Also, I wish you guys would play NWoD or End of the World for your next long form game. While I understand Numenera was meant to draw in more listeners it wasn’t my cup of tea. You might try writing to some of the other RPG podcasts around to see if they’d like to have you guys on. I know Happy Jacks and Fear the Boot have done that in the past. Having a little cross pollination of listeners could be a decent bump to your listenership as well.
@steve Dan actually ran a God Machine game where they used the updated rules with aspirations and conditions, but so think Billy is still catching up on the NWoD (Seriously I love your games but Dan has the patience of a saint when it comes to correcting rules)
Speaking of loving your games though that was easily my favorite out of your October bunch (which is saying a lot because I adore Angela’s end of the World games). I figured out the twist pretty early but that just made me even more excited about being right 🙂
(But I do suggest that Billy take a look at the Breaking Point rules in the Chronicles of Darkness book, that seems right up his alley)
Steve – Hey mate, thanks for the words and suggestions. In truth, while Numenera’s popularity is a factor in our choice for the Longshot, it wasn’t the only reason. Sadly, we just don’t see End of the World as a good idea for a long term game. The system is EXTREMELY deadly, and even the book suggests that it is best used for a one-short or short term campaign. As for using World of Darkness as a Longshot, that’s an idea! I just don’t know exactly what I’d want or even if World of Darkness (or Chronicles) is the right system that I’d choose to run a long-term game.
While Billyverse is my original system and storytelling choice, I never really wanted to do a longterm game for it. Not only that, but as selfish as it may be, I’d always rather be a player.
As for being possible guests in other podcasts, that’s always a possibility! We’ve spoken to a few before but we’ve just never worked out the logistics.
Sam – Ah, breaking points. I do love them, and I do think they are a good idea but… I feel sort of like an old man when it comes to WoD. I’ve adopted some of the new stuff, but part of me feels that some of the new stuff ‘gets in the way’. Or I don’t have the time to really learn it over again. I’m sure one of these days, I will, but until then I’m keeping my homebrew system.
But when that day does come, I’d probably get around to using Breaking Points and doing more with conditions because they are cool. It’s just a laziness thing.
That was a fun game to listen to! I do enjoy the Billyverse. But wow, that flour burn.
I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it or not, but there’s an excellent Western Horror film called Bonesaw Tomahawk. Give it a shot (warning, among the rest of the horror there is one incredible, no frills gore scene in particular that you may want to gaze away for, you’ll know it when the time comes).