Chronicles of Darkness: Stored Gods part 1 of 2

There is a war for storage and three eccentric auctioneers are willing to do anything for a fantastic deal.  Sadly, there is one buyer who doesn’t appreciate getting screwed. Listen to other Billyverse Horror Games here Listen to our extensive list of games we have played for the podcast

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5 comments on “Chronicles of Darkness: Stored Gods part 1 of 2

  1. Euphaleric says:

    I am so happy you decided to bring back bits of congealed happiness. It was my favorite game you guys played, and I look forward to more!

  2. Nate says:

    Arrrgh! This is the first time I’ve listened to a part 1 of a session when the other parts aren’t up yet! BAD IDEA.

    Also: I’m LOVING the Billy-verse, even if the name *is* a little dodgy. 😉

  3. Barsher Da Barsher says:

    Five points to whomever can state what campaign April Drewer (Lawyer) appeared in first.

  4. AKBearmace says:

    Wasn’t April the lawyer from Pure Wax?

  5. Barsher Da Barsher says:

    Ding ding ding

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