
Chronicles of Darkness: The God Machine Chronicles Ep 3

The military team is ordered to a mining rig that has recently been captured by terrorists. Their mission of infiltration and surveillance quickly turns into one of horror and survival as they fight an enemy capable of using the very environment against them.

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Chronicles of Darkness: The God Machine Chronicles Ep 2 part 2 of 2

With the world in danger, the investigators find themselves ill-equipped to face the challenges ahead. A fact not lost on the God-Machine. It will do whatever it takes to sharpen its chosen tools, even if it has to alter reality itself.

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Dread: Beneath a Metal Sky

A crew of ship-flying misfits encounters an abandoned colony ship floating freely in space. Dollar signs in their eyes, they trek inside, expecting a treasure trove of artifacts and gear. Instead, they encounter residents more than willing to show them the literary works of their culture. The first book on the menu, “To Serve Man”.

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