
The Creative Gamer’s Dilemma: When Tabletop Isn’t Enough

tabletop roleplaying offers a wide variety of avenues for creativity. Character backgrounds are an exercise in story construction, actual gaming a method of improvisational acting, game mastering a means of planning, and reacting to dice rolls is an experiment in anger management and grief counseling. These are tangible benefits of skills one can develop by engaging in tabletop gaming. But like all good things, there are limits to its benefits.

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Atomic Robo: Dr. Thomas Elwood

This past weekend, the Fandible crew had the chance to playtest the upcoming Atomic Robo RPG. We don’t know if/when that particular adventure will be shared with our fans, but this character background was too awesome not to share. Behold the sort of SCIENCE-based insanity that could only be brought to you by Daniel and your…

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Welcome to the Fandiblog

Introducing Fandible’s latest component, the Fandiblog. A new section of the site dedicated to stories, articles, interviews, and news about tabletop role playing games.

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