Actual Play Games

Dark Heresy Ep 4: Psyker Found

After several weeks acclimating to the primitive tribe of King Skull, the group finally gains the knowledge they need to finally attack the Psyker Gregoran. Will they stand victorious or will a sudden wave of bad rolls have them fail miserably.

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Rogue Trader Ep 2: Xenos Night Out part 1 of 3

With the Capt and Void Master busy with other matters on a neighboring ship, the xenos crew members find themselves bored with nothing to do. Thankfully, a strange signal from the cargo hold will present them with a interesting, and somewhat snarky, package.

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Dark Heresy Ep 3: Psyker Hunt part 2 of 3

Getting ready to sleep off the days events, the group finds itself woken up by the sound of combat. Will these change of events help them reach their goals or will it set them on a new path entirely.

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Dark Heresy Ep 3: Psyker Hunt part 1 of 3

The acolytes of inquisitor Ahmazzi begin there search for a Rogue Psyker in the world of Iocanthas. Will Port Suffering, the only hub civilization on this savage planet, lead them towards there goals or will they be distracted by the attentions of its residents.

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Rogue Trader Ep 1: The Search for Spo…..Sanchan part 3 of 3

In the final part of this session, the crew discovers that Orks can be reasoned with, as long as you speak softly and carry a big stick. If, of course, softly means with massive cannons and big stick means nuclear explosion.

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