
GTRT Ep 10: Reading Rainbow, Roleplayer Sanity, Rules lite issues, and Role-playing the Other.

5 Geeks, One Roundish Table. This session of Geeky Topics Round Table, we talk about the Levar Burton Kickstarter, questioning roleplayer sanity, our issues with some rules lite games, and roleplaying the other. Reading Rainbow Kickstarter

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Rotted Capes Ep 2: Strange Allies part 2 of 2

With the members of the EFH set to slowly corrupt their home, the superhero team must find a weakness to their enemies greatest weapon. They just need to find a magical hacker who can enter into a emotionally unstable AI. Ya, this sounds much more reasonable eventually.

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Unhallowed Metropolis: A Pound of Flesh Ep 8 part 1 of 2

Dropped from a crashing zeppelin, the Neo-Victorian adventurers must travel through the wastes in a quest for civilization. But, how can they survive in a place where their very senses fight against them?

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