
Rogue Trader Ep 8: Hulks in Space! part 1 of 2

Looking for work, the crews favorite informant Ding provides them with some juicy info. A pirate of some fame is looking to enter a space hulk and might be interested in a extra hand. Of course, they will have to prove themselves first.

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Rogue Trader Ep 4: The Price of Trade part 2 of 2

Barely escaping from a ship full of orks, the crew of the shadow labyrinth decide the best way to celebrate is to go to an ork occupied planet. Who knew masochism was a Rogue Trader trait.

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Rogue Trader Ep 4: The Price of Trade part 1 of 2

A year after their hellish adventure within a chaos infused ship, the crew of the shadow labyrinth gets a message. Someone has found their warrant of trade and is more than willing to return it, for a price.

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Rogue Trader Ep 1: The Search for Spo…..Sanchan part 3 of 3

In the final part of this session, the crew discovers that Orks can be reasoned with, as long as you speak softly and carry a big stick. If, of course, softly means with massive cannons and big stick means nuclear explosion.

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Rogue Trader Ep 1: The Search for Spo…..Sanchan part 2 of 3

The search for Sanchan continues for the crew of the Shadow Labyrinth. Will they find there way or will some hostile force try to stop them. Considering this is the Warhammer 40k universe, the latter is more than likely.

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Rogue Trader Ep 1: The Search for Spo…..Sanchan part 1 of 3

Part 1 of our first Rogue Trader campaign. A imperial crusade is stuck in an unknown sector of space and the only people who have a chance of surviving are those who try to take what they can. Will this crew find themselves with power beyond their wildest dreams or just find themselves dying horribly. Either way, it will be a fun ride.

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