
About the Author
Jesus “Arvandus” Rodriguez is the founder and website tweaker of the Fandible podcast. When he isn't out creating imaginary worlds for his players, he also runs a youtube channel where he writes short fiction in various fictional worlds.

100 episodes of imaginary worlds.

Jesus (Arvandus) The first time I knew this group was special was during a zombie game at some random meetup. It was a fairly large group and most wanted to play a certain type of military personnel. One person insisted on a helicopter, because why not. Out of all of them though, there was a…

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Rogue Trader Short Story: Liliana’s Lament

This story takes place after Rogue Trader session 8 The sight is never pleasant. There is no day where I see that the future is going to be fun and joyous. Where children play and music fills the air. The sight, which is thankfully rare, is always of death or of harsh decisions. Of great…

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Historical RPGs

How can history be a starting point for an RPG? Jesus gives two examples of the historical research he’s done to create stories for Fortune’s Fool and Unhallowed Metropolis – two very different settings with deep historical roots.

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I am a Wonderful Liar

Lying is the topmost tool in the game master’s toolbox. Jesus explains how he uses lying to be a better GM.

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Hey Guys, I’m not one for politics or anything of that sort, but when it comes to something that can change what I love, I feel a few words are in order. As you know may or may not know, numerous websites are performing a internet blackout, to protest  SOPA(Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA…

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Episode 50 and thanks for the listening

With episode 50 up in the ether, it has become  close to a year that we have started the Fandible podcast. That first game, “Dark Heresy: Heart of Ambulon”, was the first gaming session of the core fandible group. I was always thankful that I decided to record that session. That I wanted to try…

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The Jesus Rodriguez GM process

A step-by-step list to master the Jesus Rodriguez Style of GMing. Whisky optional.

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