
About the Author
David is a human, standing at average human size with human features. He is not an android, that would be ridiculous. He is fond of horror movies, so-bad-it’s-good movies, stand-up comedy and humor sometimes inappropriate for a given setting but within the accepted parameters of average human interaction. David reads H.P. Lovecraft with human eyes, speaks about Cyberpunk with his human mouth (using vocal chords, not embedded speakers) listens to podcasts with his human ears and typed this from an undisclosed location with his human hands. He was created in New England.

From the Letters of Marcas O’Carroll – a History of Ireland

My Dear Friend Adelanda, I hope this letter finds you well. The trip to England has been not unlike my other experiences aboard a vessel, so I will not bore you with the details as you already know what that means. As per your request, I have written this letter as a means of detailing…

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The Rules of Found Footage Horror

The seat of my power, though, the place where I reign supreme is the niche of found footage horror films. I can hear some of you sneer at the mention of such a maligned genre, but bear with me. Also, you’re wrong and found footage is awesome. I estimate the number of movies I’ve consumed from this genre to be somewhere in the low thirties, so believe me when I say I’m always willing to watch something in this brand of cinema.

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Comedy and the Podcaster

Podcasting is truly the people’s tool for reaching out to the world. All a person needs is a mic, a computer and some recording software and they can unleash their mouth-sounds onto an unsuspecting populace. Hell, the mic comes with the computer and the software is found on the internet for free, so I guess the required gear is: Computer, mouth-sounds.

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The Creeping Kringle

There are precious few days on the calendar that I can point to and say, without hesitation, “This day is awesome.” My birthday isn’t on that list. Neither is Thanksgiving or President’s Day. No, come to think of it, it’s a list of one: Halloween. It’s a day (and more importantly evening) where America shows the same enthusiasm for the costumes, horror and morbidity that I hold so dear. There is a looming threat to my favorite day, however, and it’s agent of destruction is clad in red and rides a chariot of supernatural slave deer.

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The Growing Menace

My friends are slowly turning into monsters and I don’t know how to stop it.

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Horrorscope: Hollywood Horrors Edition

Fandible presents a very special message from beyond: The Horrorscope. We invite you to pull back the veil of ignorance, curl into a fetal position and gaze upon the messages from the cosmos. You will be enlightened. You will be changed. You will wonder why have done this to you. Enjoy!

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Horrorscope: Cthulhu Edition

Fandible presents a very special message from beyond: The Horrorscope. We invite you to pull back the veil of ignorance, curl into a fetal position and gaze upon the messages from the cosmos. You will be enlightened. You will be changed. You will wonder why have done this to you. Enjoy! You believe that the…

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The Toybox of the Mind

Recently I was having coffee with a friend and we were recounting with great fervor our memories of being little boys and playing with our toys. Part of the discussion was based on the types of toys we had, the mnemonic markers bound with brand recognition that gave us a feeling of shared experience. The action figures borne from iconic cartoons, the obscure characters who never hit the big time, and of course the Golden fleece of toys for kids our age: a full set of metal Voltron lions, capable of combining to make the titular robotic defender of the universe.

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