
Final Girl: The Station of No Hope

In a secret asteroid base at the far end of the galaxy, a rogue organization continues its research outside of prying eyes. They soon discover that some knowledge is not worth the price. Intro Music: Scary Night by Cely Grande Game Website: http://gasmaskgames.com/games/final-girl Other Games

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Geeky Topics Round Table Ep 5: Author politics, Kid characters, Bad movies, and Movie turn ons and offs

Five Geeks and one Roundish Table. After another long hiatus, we return with even more of our thoughts into the internet ether. We talk about whether an authors politics should steer people away from their books, kid characters in movies, future D&D at the movies suggestions, and personal movie turn ons and offs.

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Rogue Trader Ep 12: Ancient Perfection part 2 of 2

Deep within an hostile nebula, the crew of the Shadow Labyrinth comes upon an ancient structure. Will the crew find profit, or will its inhabitants make short work of the invaders?

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Rogue Trader Ep 12: Ancient Perfection part 1 of 2

A few months after breaking off from whats left of the Imperium, the shadow labyrinth shuttles between a dwindling list of potential clients. Luckily, a certain object is more then willing to show them a new path.

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Spirit of the Century: Cold as Mother Russia part 2 of 2

With thugs on one side and a possible Russian assassin on another, the team prepares to defend the physicist symposium. Will it just be another walk in the park for these pulp heroes or will they find their end in Cold as Mother Russia!!

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Spirit of the Century: Cold as Mother Russia part 1 of 2

Its 1925 and three members of the century club, the worldwide crime fighting organization, must stop a plot they themselves have only stumbled upon. Will these pulp heroes save the day or will their bodies become as Cold As Mother Russia!

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Fiasco: With Great Power

The Justiteers, the greatest heroes of New York City, deal with inter-group strife, arrogant members, and blackmail. Oh yeah, there is also some archvillian they may have to take care of.

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