warhammer 40k

Black Crusade: Towerfall part 2 of 2

The acolytes of evil head to the imperial world of Corona and find that creating chaos may be a bitter harder then they thought. Rogue Trader Episodes Other Games

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Black Crusade: Towerfall part 1 of 2

4 agents of chaos must enter a inquisitorial tower and grab an alien artifact. Thankfully, like all heist films, everything goes according to plan.

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Crafting Canon: The First Female Space Marine

I have always been a fan of Warhammer 40k and like many fans, I had mental images growing up of Space Marines bashing alien skulls. At least, that was the image the Games Workshop marketing department seemed to plaster across every store window. Big guys clad in advanced-yet-archaic armour staring down at you with a…

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5 Best Summer Role Playing Games

Saturday marked the official start of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere (sorry, Australian listeners). And Fandible spent it just as we do every Saturday: role playing. Because we are nerds who shun the day star and prefer to develop a pasty palor rather than worshipping the sun. (In our defense, at least two of…

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The Final Chapter of Rogue Trader

When Rogue Trader began, I had no idea how it would end – or if it would end. It was, in many ways, an extension of our Dark Heresy game. Here is the same Warhammer you know, but you have a spaceship. It was a massive cathedral spaceship housing tens of thousands, but a spaceship nonetheless.

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Strange Inspiration

What inspired you to create your favorite character? Was it a book? Maybe a television show? Maybe you found inspiration from a Madonna song that you sing in the shower (I’m looking at you, David). In this post, Billy discusses his (strange) inspirations to some of his Fandible creations.

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