The Strange. A dark energy network where myth and stories become reality. In this setting, a team of thieves started a simple heist that would lead them into an adventure that spans worlds.
The Strange Ep 13: Dont be Tim part 3 of 3
Travelling the country side, the dimensional travelers discovers the horrors of one mans pride.
The Strange Ep 13: Dont be Tim part 2 of 3
In a world of fantasy and adventure, the dimensional con artists realize they may be working for the bad guys.
The Strange Ep 13: Dont be Tim part 1 of 3
After a brief stint on crowhallow, the conniving dimensional travellers head to the realm of the machine god for thier next mission.
The Strange Ep 12: Big Little part 2 of 2
Understanding the brutal rules of this twisted toy recursion, the dimensional con artists must do all they can to survive as they search for their prize.
The Strange Ep 12: Big Little part 1 of 2
Transporting to a world of living toys, the dimension-hopping con artists try to survive the wrath of childish giants.
The Strange Ep 11: Gotta Catch Them all
*Warning* The first 13 mins is us listening to the last 13 mins of the last game trying to remember what happened. Then promising not to drink as much...
The Strange Ep 10: Welcome to Earth
Forced to go to earth, the Inter-dimensional con artists encounter a prehistoric conundrum. *WARNING* The following play session includes rules failures, drunken ramblings and long tangents that made sense at...
The Strange Ep 9: Epic Raid 2 of 2
Surviving their trial, the con artists must now lead their guild towards the most EPIC OF RAIDS!
The Strange Ep 9: Epic Raid 1 of 2
Dragged away by giant insects, the two Con Artists/Guild Masters must return to their guild and figure out how to get their prize.
The Strange Ep 8: Crowd Control
The dimensional thieves discover that managing a guild can be more trouble than it’s worth. *WARNING* The following play session includes rules failures, drunken ramblings, and long tangents that...
The Strange Ep 7: Guild Crashers
Transported to the MMO world of Ardeyn, our professional liars must find their target before they become someone else's quest goal.
The Strange Ep 6: Atom Nocturne
In a world of anime tropes and impossibly good looking people, our dimensional con artists must use every trick in their book to find their prize.
The Strange Ep 5: Cataclyst
After a failed translation, our con artist heroes find themselves in a world of mutants, cyborgs, and pleasant post apocalyptic scenery.
The Strange Ep 4: Pantamal
On a world of anthropomorphic animals, an accidental apocalypse may cost the dimensional thieves their prize.
The Strange Ep 3: Gloaming part 2 of 2
After a few failed attempts at diplomacy, the thieves surprisingly find themselves not dead. Of course, now they have to be the ambassadors to a rival faction and fight...
The Strange Ep 3: Gloaming part 1 of 2
In a world of Gothic architecture and melodramatic supernatural creatures, the two thieves must find their prize before they die from angst.
The Strange Ep 2: Curse of the Machine God
Stuck in a recursion of zealous AI's and murderous enemies, the two con artists must do what they can to survive in the bowels of the Machine God.
The Strange Ep 1: Crow Hollow
Two recursion miners think they've found the perfect score. All they need to do is rob the most powerful mob boss in Crow Hollow and live to tell about...