
Role Playing Lessons from Cats

Cats are some of the noblest damn creatures on the planet. Cultures around the world have been inspired by cats, praising them in song, art, and even religions. Cats continue to inspire us today – statistics show the internet is actually 58.3% cats. Why shouldn’t role players continue this age-old tradition? Cats have many things to teach us about playing and running role playing games.

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How to Perfect Your Gaming Mixtape

Running an RPG session requires managing multiple aspects of a story, including the ephemeral “atmosphere” of the game. Atmosphere can be managed by anything from visual cues, such as miniatures or character drawings, to food and drink that might enhance the feeling of the setting. But one of the most useful methods for introducing and maintaining a game’s atmosphere, is the introduction of music. Here are three tips to keep in mind when introducing music into your game.

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Marvel’s Agent Carter as Inspiration for Your Next Pulp Game

Marvel’s Agent Carter: great show? Or GREATEST show for pulp gaming inspiration? Angela lists five ways Peggy Carter can inspire your pulp RPGs like Spirit of the Century or (of course) Hollow Earth Expedition.

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So You Want to Run a Billy-Verse Game

You asked, Billy answered: here is your simple, seven-step guide to running your own RPG set in the mysterious world known only as “The Billy-verse.”

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Fandible Valentine’s 2015

As our listeners prepare to celebrate with romantic dinners before the annual Half-Price-Chocolate day, so too do the vast and varied members of the Fandible universe celebrate love in its many forms. Happy Valentine’s Day, from the Fandible Crew   Calysto Flockhart – The Strange Dear Feathera, DON’T THROW THIS AWAY THIS IS IMPORTANT. I know…

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The Creative Gamer’s Dilemma: When Tabletop Isn’t Enough

tabletop roleplaying offers a wide variety of avenues for creativity. Character backgrounds are an exercise in story construction, actual gaming a method of improvisational acting, game mastering a means of planning, and reacting to dice rolls is an experiment in anger management and grief counseling. These are tangible benefits of skills one can develop by engaging in tabletop gaming. But like all good things, there are limits to its benefits.

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Historical Mourning Traditions and Unhallowed Metropolis

This fall the Metropolitan Museum of Art has hosted an excellent exhibit in the Costume Institute: Death Becomes Her: A Century of Mourning Attire. When a coworker told me about, I about had a nerd-gasm, and Billy and I were traipsing up to the museum practically the next weekend. For anyone with an interest in historical fashion, it’s a must-see stop (but hurry! It’s only on display through February 1st!). The exhibit gave me lots of new inspiration for Moira in Unhallowed Metropolis, especially considerations of what to do with her fashion as she moves farther from the British culture that raised mourning to an art form.

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5 Web Comics to Cure Winter Blues

In a attempt to cure your winter blues, Jesus gives you a list of some of his favorite web comics.

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