
5 Reasons I Love Historical RPGs

It’s no secret: I love RPGs with a solid historical base. Luckily, I have a group of fellow gamers that indulges me for the most part, even if our historical games come with a liberal sprinkling of fantastical tropes. But whether we’re sitting down for some neo-Victorian Gothic Horror or I’m leading the way through another pulpy romp, nothing gets me excited like some historical accuracy.

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Why I love The Strange

This past weekend, I ran a session with Daniel and David for the podcast in the world of The Strange. David was a sentient crow looking to strike it big in his town tree of Crow Hollow, and Daniel was his human partner just trying to make a quick buck. While running the game, I…

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Lovecraft: The Thrill of Nightmares and the Power of Dreamers.

To celebrate H.P. Lovecraft’s birthday, David looks at the influential horror writer’s fascination with dreams and how they can power creativity, and wonders what he might think of modern gamers mining his mythos for plot hooks.

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The Rules of House Rules

For those that have listened to us, even for only a few sessions, should know that Fandible is incapable of following the rules completely for a game. No matter if we’re playing New World of Darkness or Warhammer 40k to something like Fiasco and Final Girl. We start off the game with high hopes that we’ll stick to the rules and then a few beers later results in one of us saying “Hey, guys. I got an idea.”

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The Crusading Widower: Drax the Destroyer Meets Unhallowed Metropolis

Another summer, another batch of comic book movies to analyze. This weekend, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy broke box office records with its band of lovable misfits. Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket Racoon and Groot all wormed their way into crowd’s hearts, but it was Drax the Destroyer that reminded Angela of a favorite Fandible PC.

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Crafting Canon: The First Female Space Marine

I have always been a fan of Warhammer 40k and like many fans, I had mental images growing up of Space Marines bashing alien skulls. At least, that was the image the Games Workshop marketing department seemed to plaster across every store window. Big guys clad in advanced-yet-archaic armour staring down at you with a…

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Rotted Capes Review – A Second Look

After an excellent experience playing Rotted Capes at Origins, it appears the Fandible crew needs to eat some crow. Billy falls on his sword and makes a second attempt at reviewing Paradigm Concept’s zombies versus superheroes RPG.

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Bisexuality, Hellblazer, and Thoughts Related

The upcoming TV adaptation of Constantine has drawn a lot of attention from comic and general-nerd-fans, both positive and controversial. Daniel explores the latest controversy, the erasure of John Constantine’s bisexual identity, and gives the decision some historical/canon context.

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